Unipart has embarked on an ambitious programme of collaborative initiatives between Unipart and local schools in the communities within which it operates.
The programme aims to connect with up to 200 schools in three regions across the UK.
Working with Oxford United in Oxfordshire, Coventry Rugby Club in Warwickshire and Doncaster Rovers in Yorkshire – the Talent Factoryprogramme will encompass a range of programmes working with local schools to identify and develop life skills in young people.
The initial events have seen a successful collaboration between Oxford United FC, Unipart and The Oxford Academy.
Unipart and Oxford United provided the youngsters with an exciting day of sports and work based activities that enabled them to experience those skills essential for their future success.
Not only did the youngsters have an opportunity to learn about team skills from some of the top players at Oxford united, they had time to visit one of Unipart’s global distribution centres where the focus was on highly interactive, logistics-based activities together with opportunities for the youngsters to meet Unipart’s current generation of successful apprentices.
Nick Rayner, Managing Director of Unipart Consumer Logistics Multi Client Operations, commented, “We hope to see some of these students back for a week of work experience later in 2013, and then who knows…we could be looking at our apprentices for 2014!”