D’Overbroeck’s school recently wrote about their visit to Unipart on the college Facebook page. Here is their report.
On the 15th of May our Upper Sixth Business students visited Unipart Group for an end of course talk and workshop lead by the Director of Corporate Affairs, Frank Nigreillo.
Unipart is world famous for their “Unipart way”, which was inspired by Kaizen and by working with Honda and Toyota.
Students were shown first hand how the company implements continuous improvement to minimize waste and increase productivity.
The Director of Corporate Affairs Frank Nigreillo personally hosted the workshop and discussed with students the importance of a unique culture, employee engagement, leadership, agility/flexibility in a changing world and the potential challenges for disruption in the future. Students really enjoyed Frank’s stories of employee engagement at Disney among the many stories he told to help support his points.
We are very thankful to Frank and Unipart for making this opportunity possible!
It was a very productive way to conclude two years of Business A level and the students found it both extremely enjoyable and useful.
