Dorman Changes its Name

As Mark Morse, general Manager of Unipart Dorman stated, Unipart Dorman gives us strong brand position both here and overseas.” Mark James , Head of Engineering Signalling at Network Rail “1.72 billion passenger journeys in 2011, 6K level crossings, 860 control points — big network, big undertaking”.

Change of name to build on the reputation both in the UK and overseas, as the “choice of engineers”.

As Mark Morse, general Manager of Unipart Dorman stated, Unipart Dorman gives us strong brand position both here and overseas.” Mark James , Head of Engineering Signalling at Network Rail “1.72 billion passenger journeys in 2011, 6K level crossings, 860 control points — big network, big undertaking”.

As David Gregory Modular Liaison Manager, Signalling Solutions stated, the modular solution proposed by Signalling Solutions and Unipart Dorman “work very well together” Richard Flanagan continued that this solution has enabled us to “keep high performance of LED signals, with a lightweight structure that can be quickly deployed