Unipart again scores as one of Britain’s most responsible companies

For a fourth year running Unipart Group, one of Europe’s leading private logistics, manufacturing and consultancy companies, has retained its platinum status in the Business in the Community’s  Corporate Responsibility Index – the UK’s leading benchmark of responsible business.

This achievement rates Unipart amongst the top companies in the world for best environmental, community, workplace and business practices.

The BITC CR Index sets out a framework to help companies integrate and improve corporate responsibility throughout their business by providing a systematic approach to managing, measuring and reporting on business impact in society and the environment.

Companies that achieve a platinum rating in the index have demonstrated their deep commitment to corporate responsibility through improving their performance continually over a number of years.

Across the globe, Unipart people are engaged in a wide range of projects with customers, suppliers and their local communities to apply The Unipart Way – the company’s philosophy and business system for delivering continuous improvement – to unlocking the potential those relationships.